Well as many of you know, kevin will be leaving us on August 17th to go to iraq, at the moment he is in training on base close by..So they have been real nice letting him come home sometime at night to spend sometime at home...i couldnt have ask for more....since we should feel lucky since none of the rest of them do...I just really hope this deployment goes fast and smooth for me and the kids, and that our kevin comes home safe We just recently celebrated our 10yr of being married..i can't believe 10yrs have gone by so fast already..but im looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together, and when he comes home next year we will be renewing our vows...i love you so much kevin d. scheller please dont forget that... and know i have never doubted you...
Please keep him in your prayers!...
here are our last pics as a whole family!
July 14 & thunderstorms
Okay...well today looks like we will be spending all day inside..due to all this nasty wheather looking like we will be having thunderstorms through out the day so there will be no swiming in the pool today...Oh man!...4 kids inside all day im gonna lose my mind...shall be fun...lmao i havnt gotton to talk to kevin today although i did get a good morning I LOVE YOU text....he's so sweet i dont want him to go...gosh im gonna miss him horribly life just isnt gonna be the same with out him here...But we are gonna do our best to make the most out of it and know god will take care of him for us, while he is away i plan on learning to do somethings, that ive never had to do on my own, and one of those things is COOKING.. i wanna be able to make my kev kev dinner when he comes home instead of him always cooking for us..but we are diff gonna miss our master cook...Not sure what kind of thanksgiving we will be having since our master cook wont be here with us =( but what dont break us will make us stronger!...Today i plan on buying the airbrush make-up been hearing alot about it and i wanna try it..cant wait!...Next week i will start to workout everyday and hopfuly by the time school starts i will beable to work out twice a day as i would like i will keep everyone updated on where that takes me...enough for now will blog more later
The Scheller's
babe i love you so much you are the best wife and mother anyone can ask for. you guys are going to be ok. and i am nto master chef i just cook like anyone else can. you can cook as good as me hell you can cook better then me. if the kids give a hard time just tell them i am not coming home. well babe i love you so much and i am goin g to miss yu somuch more then you know man you think you are going to cry when i leave shit i am going to cry more then you.you are going to miss just me and i got you and the kids i am going to miss love you babe.
ReplyDeletei just gonna miss you so much life isnt gonna be the same without you here kevin...im gonna be horribly sad, and heartbroken..i love you so much more then you will ever know =(